The story of "But's Charming Ruffians" starts in 1990.
Since my childhood, dogs of different breeds accompanied my life. At that time, I was owner of a German shepherd dog, named Claudine, she was my companion for 10 years.
Without wishing Claudine an early end, the time came closer to look for a successor. I had already decided not to have another German shepherd. But which other breed would fits me, my surrounding, my requirements?
There is a large selection of different breeds, but I had my own ideas and exact conceptions:
- height not over 40-50 cm
- smooth hair
- attentive & intelligent
- sportily & courageous
- as possible free of hereditary diseases
- good looking
- special in all parts.
Suddenly, the selection was small, i.e., there was no more choice for my wishes.
There was only one breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
I start my search for a breeder of Stafford’s. At this time the SBT was quite "exotic" breed in Switzerland. Finally I have found my dog of dreams in Germany.
Her name was "Oak vom Kaiserstuhl".
1992 “Snaky”, my first American Staffordshire Terrier came to my house.
That's all long time ago. "Oak", (for her friends "Maeusi") died on the 09.10.2001. She has show to me each day the very special characteristics of a SBT, which would be also desirable for some humans.
Today lives 2-3 dogs with me. I have bred Staffordshire Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier since 1992.
In the year 2000, a young Manchester Terrier, named "Gadkey's Mystery" or "Lilly" has enriching our wild pack.
Since 2006, I only breed Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Facts and figures:
130 Staffordshire Bull Terrier from 23 litters
24 American Staffordshire Terrier from 4 litters
13 Manchester Terrier from 4 litters
were registered under the affix .“But’s Charming Ruffians” FCI.
Our goal for the future will be to promote and support our fascinating breeds.
Since October 2012 I live part time in France and I breed my dogs under the rules and regulations of the "Société Central Canine" SCC/FCI
Since 2011 I'am an International judge for all Terriers of the 3rd FCI-group (CC level).
I have had the pleasur and the honour to judge in the following countries:
Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Luxemburg, Finland, Russia, Ireland, France, England, Australia, Spain, Czech Republic
Languages: German, French, English, Italian